Common Reasons for Needing to Urinate Frequently

Common Reasons for Needing to Urinate Frequently

Have you ever had to go to the bathroom several times a day because you need to urinate frequently? Especially when I drink coffee, I go to the bathroom almost once an hour. Still, I can’t quit drinking coffee because I’m addicted to caffeine, so I end up going to the bathroom often. In my humble opinion, I have lived my life thinking that my bladder’s volumetric ratio is smaller than that of other people. There was no discomfort or pain, especially in the urinary system.

However, after learning that there are other typical reasons found in people who have a frequent need to urinate, I began to think that perhaps I also have a frequent need to urinate for the reasons I will introduce below. Today, we will learn about the common reasons why you have to urinate frequently and how to prevent them in your daily life.

Why do you need to urinate often?

Common Reasons For Frequent Urination

The First Common Reason For Frequent Urination Is Cystitis

Cystitis is a disease that causes inflammation within the bladder. It is especially often found in women. It is caused by inflammation rather than any functional reason, and is often caused by hot and humid weather in the summer. A woman’s vulva has a particularly hot and humid environment. For this reason, the environment is well prepared for bacteria to multiply.

Also, unlike other skin on the body, it has many folds, making it sweat more easily and feel itchy easily. This cystitis is one of the reasons why you need to urinate frequently. Inflammation in the bladder makes the bladder more sensitive, making it less able to hold urine than usual, resulting in having to go to the bathroom several times during the day.

Why do you need to urinate often?

The Second Most Common Reason For Frequent Urination Is An Enlarged Prostate

The second most common reason for the need to urinate is a disease called benign prostatic hyperplasia. The prostate is an organ found only in men. It is located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra, which is the passageway for urine and semen. One of the main functions of the prostate is to produce and store portions of semen. This semen is passed out through the genitals and serves to transport sperm during sexual intercourse.

Additionally, the prostate gland secretes a special fluid called prostatic fluid. This fluid performs very important functions, one of which is providing nutrients to sperm. This allows sperm to remain viable and ovulate successfully. Additionally, prostatic fluid plays a role in protecting the male reproductive system by preventing bacterial invasion. For this reason, the prostate plays an important role in male fertility, and if its function is impaired, it can have serious effects on male fertility.

Prostatic hyperplasia is widely known as a common disease among middle-aged men. The prostate, which plays such an important role, becomes enlarged and blocks the passage of urine, causing many diseases such as pain and sexual dysfunction. It is said to be a typical disease of middle-aged men, but these days, quite a few young men also have it.

The Third Most Common Reason For Having To Urinate Is Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is a condition in which you have to urinate more than 10 times a day and have difficulty holding it in. If you have to urinate a lot at night, it can interfere with your sleep. The standard for increasing is when you wake up more than twice while sleeping to go to the bathroom.

The cause of this overactive bladder is mainly due to excessive activity of the detrusor muscle due to dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles and problems with sensory nerve function. Overactive bladder is mainly a phenomenon caused by aging. In particular, this phenomenon occurs most often in people in their 50s and 60s, and this is because various functions in the body deteriorate with aging. Overactive bladder is more likely to occur as you age.

Frequent urinary tract infections, obesity, and menopause can also cause overactive bladder. Urinary tract infections can irritate the bladder and cause overactive bladder, and obesity can cause overactive bladder due to increased pressure on the bladder due to being overweight. Additionally, menopause can cause overactive bladder due to changes in bladder function due to hormonal changes in women.

However, there are cases where these symptoms occur even at a young age. In these cases, hypersensitivity of sensory nerve function due to stress or tension can become a problem. Stress or tension in everyday life can irritate the brain and body‘s nervous system, causing bladder irritability.

Why do you need to urinate often?

Concluding The Article

Today, we looked at three common reasons why you feel the need to urinate. What these three diseases have in common is that anyone can easily get them. Frequent need to urinate occurs when you drink a lot of water or eat foods that promote diuresis, but if that is not the case, you should suspect a specific disease at least once. Additionally, some urinary issues can be linked to other symptoms, so it’s essential to consider related factors, such as reasons for right side pain, when evaluating your health.

I believe that there is a golden time for all diseases. It might be funny to say that there is a golden time for why you need to urinate frequently. However, a small illness can quickly become a major illness. If you have any of the three symptoms mentioned above, it is time to change your lifestyle habits and consult with a specialist.


Can Men Get Cystitis Too?

In fact, men can get cystitis just like women. However, it is important to note that cystitis is much rarer in men than in women. Men with prostate disease should be especially careful. This is because men with prostate disease can easily get cystitis. Although cystitis symptoms in men are similar to those in women, they may be accompanied by prostate-related symptoms (difficulty urinating, hematuria, perineal pain, etc.).

At What Age Does Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Most Often Occur?

Prostatic hyperplasia mainly occurs in men over the age of 50. But this doesn’t just happen with age. In fact, statistics show that approximately 50% of men over the age of 60 and 80% of men over the age of 70 experience benign prostatic hyperplasia. This fact shows that family history, hormonal imbalance, and lifestyle habits can act as risk factors for developing the disease. Accordingly, it is important to manage these factors well.

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