What HR technology can do to optimize the candidate experience 

What HR technology can do to optimize the candidate experience 

Technological advancements in the field of talent management continue to accelerate. Technology has also created opportunities for HR to drive business growth by investing financial and human resources in these areas.  

Currently, HR technology has evolved from a focus on applicant tracking systems (ATSs) and human resource information systems (HRISs) to include a number of innovative solutions. Nevertheless, you should carefully consider your business’s needs before investing in talent acquisition (TA) technology. Choosing the right products for your business shouldn’t depend on which is the newest or the flashiest. Making the most of HR tech is about making sure every touchpoint in the candidate journey works seamlessly and saves time and money.  

Human Resources Technology Evolution

There seems to be a long history of HR technology. A closer look, however, shows that HR technology itself has evolved significantly and has accomplished notable milestones.

According to many HR experts, 2012 was the year when HR technology underwent a generational shift – as new applications and services entered the sector. SMACs — social, mobile, analytics, and cloud — are largely responsible for this rapid evolution.

Cloud computing ushered in a new age of tech-savvy. Apps for HR became smoother and paved the way for today’s modern apps.

A convergence of technologies has resulted in HR tools and techniques that have been regarded as the ‘future of HR’ in the past seven years. Within the past seven years, over 5000 companies have moved to the cloud. Although some companies are still using on-premise HR software, the trend is slowly dying as companies move toward cloud-based HR solutions and implement these futuristic technologies.

How does your solution store data?

A high level of protection is required for candidate data since it is highly sensitive. HR directors who are savvy know this and add these questions to their due diligence checklists early in the technology-scoping phase. In the event that you leave this step out, you may encounter challenges with your IT and Legal teams and have to start the evaluation process from scratch. Transparency about the location of data is important for recruitment solutions.

A technology provider with experience should have a clear understanding of where and how they keep their clients’ data. There is a risk that some countries may allow access to stored data for law enforcement or national security purposes if the provider stores client data overseas. Be sure to inquire about backup procedures. Business ethics require data preservation when there is a loss of data or a security breach. You should consider looking for another provider if one doesn’t provide adequate data backup.

Enhancing the candidate experience

Employers often forget that recruiting is a two-way process. In addition to interviewing candidates, companies evaluate the candidates as well. You demonstrate that you value candidates’ time and effort when you prioritize their experience. Recruiters and hiring teams have another opportunity to make a good impression with every interaction, from applying to interviewing to onboarding.

An excellent interview process is key to a great candidate experience. To engage and win over the best candidates, recruiters and talent acquisition teams need to create an intentional, meaningful interview process. Recruiters can create efficient, scalable recruiting processes using Clovers’ AI-powered video interview technology to accelerate hiring, reduce bias, and deliver the candidate experience today’s job seekers are expecting.

Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Talent Relationship Management

SKILLED Co-Founder Nicolas Speeckaert explains that “first, companies will have at their disposal massive amounts of data to make better hiring decisions and eliminate the need for gut feelings in recruiting.”

Second, the concept of searching databases with AI will become obsolete, making Talent Pools more relevant than ever. It will take the AI milliseconds to accomplish what humans take days/weeks to accomplish.

With friendly chatbots, you can speed up processes

For example, it required a lot of labor to run the e-commerce fulfillment center, which processes packages per hour. Finding those many employees is a challenge. In order to automate some of the work, Pitney Bowes turned to AI-powered chatbots. Call for the best demo ats to learn how you can get the data you need to get to work.

Candidates can ask the chatbot questions on the career page of the company. Candidate registration includes job vacancies that are currently open and pre-selection questions about lifting 50 pounds and working flexibly. 

Employee tracking and onboarding

A healthy recruitment process begins with this vital step. A good hire can be made or broken by your onboarding. The onboarding stage includes many elements, some of which are more about the company’s digital transformation than about the candidate.

The use of these new technologies within the workplace makes onboarding a much more defined process, one that is guided and oriented by the same tools candidates are expected to use.

Additionally, multiple software solutions reduce the necessity for manual data entry. Through an API connection between an HRM platform and your ATS of choice. Recruiters and HR can discuss candidate data as candidate data travels across the onboarding pipeline. Candidate information and metrics are consolidated into an easy-to-use interface including custom milestones for onboarding, start dates, probationary periods, and so on.

Advantages of localizing the candidate journey

In order to understand the candidate’s journey, one thing needs to be clarified. A candidate journey refers to the process of identifying and evaluating candidates through the six stages they go through – awareness, consideration, interest, application, selection, and hiring. Thus, this expression covers all the steps along the hiring process. I’ll return briefly to the Facebook example. When you examine it closely, it resembles the acquisition funnel Facebook used to expand its user base. Thus, making customers aware of the product in local languages, making them consider it, attracting them to the interest stage. Finally converting them into new users. The conversion in this case means more, however, since it involves submitting the application, going through the selection process, and finally accepting the offer. We’ll focus on attracting candidates in this post but will leave the rest of the process for another article. 

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