Cracking Open the Economics of Backyard Chicken Rearing

Cracking Open the Economics of Backyard Chicken Rearing
Image Source – Pexels

In an age where economic stability is fragile, individuals are seeking innovative ways to bolster their income while embracing sustainable practices. Backyard chicken keeping is one such avenue that has gained popularity. Beyond the joys of fresh eggs and organic produce, there’s an array of economic benefits associated with this endeavor.

Economic Benefits of Backyard Chicken Rearing

Raising backyard chickens is an investment with economic benefits that may surprise you. This popular hobby can help you achieve your sustainable lifestyle goals in more ways than one.

Cost Savings

One of the most immediate and tangible advantages of keeping chickens in your backyard is the cost savings it offers.

1. Reduced Egg Purchases

The average American consumes approximately 279 eggs per year. That’s a lot! When you have your own flock of hens, you can wave goodbye to weekly trips to the grocery store for eggs. The eggs your chickens produce can meet your household needs, making store-bought eggs a thing of the past.

2. Lower Meat Expenses

Chickens provide more than just eggs. They can also be a source of meat. Raising your own chickens means having a steady supply of fresh organic poultry and the savings that come with it. When you purchase a whole organic chicken at the store, it can cost upwards of $15. Save hundreds of dollars each year by raising your own.

3. Decreased Fertilizer Costs

Apart from being prolific egg layers and meat providers, chickens are also producers of nutrient-rich manure. This natural, high-quality fertilizer can replace costly synthetic fertilizers, benefiting your backyard poultry farm.

Income Generation

Keeping chickens in your backyard isn’t just about saving money; it’s also about making money.

1. Selling Eggs

Selling eggs to friends, neighbors, or local markets can be a profitable venture if you find yourself with more eggs than you can consume. Many backyard chicken keepers establish a steady clientele for their fresh, free-range eggs.

2. Selling Meat

Meat from backyard-raised chickens is known for its superior taste and quality. You can cater to a niche market interested in locally sourced, organic poultry. If you raise and sell 50 broilers a year at an average price of $10 per bird, you can generate $500 in additional income.

3. Selling Chickens

Some backyard chicken keepers invest in egg incubators to hatch and sell chicks in addition to selling fresh, free-range eggs to diversify their income streams. This allows them to cater to customers interested in raising their own backyard flocks.

Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency

Backyard chicken keeping also promotes sustainability and self-sufficiency beyond the immediate financial gains.

1. Reducing Food Mileage

Cultivating your own eggs and meat contributes to sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated with food transportation. You can help decrease the distance these products travel from farm to table, because the source is just a few feet from your backyard.

2. Sustainable Practices

Chickens in factory farms are often forced to live in cramped spaces, and are denied the opportunity to develop natural behaviors. In contrast, raising chickens at home allows you to control their diet and living conditions. This aligns with the growing consumer trend toward ethically sourced products.

3. Reducing Waste

Chickens are great recyclers. They turn food scraps and kitchen leftovers into valuable resources in the form of eggs, meat, and fertilizer. Considering that the average American discards 0.5kg (one pound) of food per day, backyard chickens can help convert some of this waste into useful resources.

Tax Benefits and Incentives

There are also tax benefits and incentives that come with backyard chicken keeping which can further bolster your financial prospects.

Tax Deductions for Agricultural Activities

Backyard chicken keeping can be considered an agricultural activity, which may make you eligible for tax deductions. Expenses related to the care and maintenance of your chickens, such as feed, shelter, and veterinary care, can be tax-deductible.

Agricultural Zoning and Land Use Benefits

You may be able to take advantage of agricultural zoning benefits if you own a larger piece of property and engage in backyard chicken keeping on a larger scale. This could include lower property taxes or favorable land use regulations.

Government Subsidies and Grants

Governments often provide subsidies and grants to promote local food production and sustainable agriculture. These financial incentives can provide businesses and poultry farmers with much-needed capital to expand their operations or invest in infrastructure.

Employment Opportunities

The individual or the business isn’t the only one benefited by backyard chicken keeping. It also contributes to employment opportunities within the broader community.

Local Jobs in the Poultry Industry

The growth of the industry has a trickle-down effect on local economies. As the demand for poultry feed, equipment, and veterinary services increases, job opportunities are also created in these sectors.

Entrepreneurial Ventures

Backyard chicken keeping can also lead to entrepreneurial opportunities. For instance, you might decide to start your own business selling chicken-related products, such as custom coops, organic chicken feed, or even chicken-themed merchandise.

Educational Programs and Workshops

The demand for education and training grows as the interest in backyard chicken keeping expands. Tap into this demand by offering workshops, online courses, or consulting services for aspiring backyard chicken enthusiasts. These initiatives create opportunities for educators and trainers, while equipping individuals and new businesses with valuable knowledge.

investing in egg incubators
Image Source – Pexels

Boosting Local Economy

A ripple effect will cascade throughout the local economy as industries that are intrinsically linked to poultry farming are benefited by its rise.

Supporting Local Feed Suppliers

Chickens need high-quality feed in order to grow and produce eggs. Local feed suppliers may experience a surge in business as backyard poultry farms continue to expand.

Increasing Demand for Poultry Equipment

The need for chicken coops, feeders, waterers, and other equipment drives demand for local manufacturers and retailers. This surge in demand can stimulate economic growth in the region.

Community Engagement and Farmers’ Markets

Participating in local farmers’ markets with your surplus eggs, meat, or poultry-related products bolsters your income and more importantly, fosters a sense of community. You become a valuable contributor to the local food system.

Challenges and Considerations

Setting up a backyard poultry farm is not a walk in the park. It’s essential to acknowledge and address the challenges and considerations that come with it.

Initial Setup Costs

The initial setup costs typically include expenses for purchasing chickens, building or buying a coop, acquiring feeders and waterers, and ensuring proper fencing. These upfront investments can vary widely based on the scale of your operation and the quality of equipment chosen, but they are essential considerations.

Time and Effort

Raising chickens requires consistent care and attention. Cleaning coops, providing food and water, and ensuring the birds’ health can be time-consuming.

Regulatory and Health Compliance

Local regulations may dictate the number of chickens you can keep and the conditions in which they should be housed. Ensuring chickens’ health, through vaccinations and disease prevention measures, is crucial to prevent the spread of illnesses among the birds and potential transmission to humans.

Market Competition

Competition in the egg and meat markets can intensify as more people enter the backyard chicken-keeping arena. Diversification and niche marketing may be necessary to stand out.


Backyard chicken keeping offers a unique opportunity to enhance your financial stability, contribute to a sustainable lifestyle, and build stronger community bonds.

Consider raising chickens at home if you’re contemplating a practical and rewarding venture that aligns with both sustainability and economic growth. Your pocket and your soul will thank you!

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