
Debunking Inbound Call Center Myths!

Call center services have been important for ages and businesses have relied on its service for years. Call centers have employed millions of people and even today several people look up to its job despite the industry being negatively famous for its monotonous work environment. 

Businesses look up to taking services from call centers to be free of some tasks to focus on in-house services. Outsourcing to call centers, business owners save time, reduce capital expense, avoid call abandonment, be available to customers 24X7, have up-to-date technologies working for business benefits, and much more. This is the reason companies outsource their non-core functions majorly customer support to famous call centers. Companies in the UAE and India majorly outsource their customer support to famous call centers onshore and offshore for adequate results to customers.

Call centers are of two types:

  • Inbound call centers
  • Outbound call centers

Inbound call centers look after handling the business’s incoming calls initiated by the customer. While an outbound call center is where a group of call center agents make calls to potential prospects and business customers to inform and educate about the offerings. Outbound calls are majorly done for appointment booking, debt collection, customer service, sales calls, market research, etc. 

Both inbound and outbound calls are significant for the business and have their importance in boosting sales and brand image. However, some myths related to inbound services can negatively tarnish the business image and can affect customer satisfaction. It is therefore essential for every organization to stop believing in these myths and debunk them to deliver the best to customers. Check out as we list some misconceptions related to inbound call support services:

Fewer calls are good.

Several companies have a misconception that few calls help them in making more money and it is good! Well, receiving few calls does not mean less cost per call and it has nothing to do with increasing customer satisfaction. 

On the contrary, the fact is, when your business receives few customer calls, you might be losing in the minds of the user and may be losing money too. Fewer calls may also indicate that your customers are not interested in knowing about your services! Thus, it is essential to boost amenities to initiate more customer queries for the business.

Only unhappy customers contact the business.

As a business owner, if you think that inbound calls are of no use and only unhappy customers turn towards the organization, you are wrong! It is seen that maximum users do not turn up after a bad experience, so if fewer customers are contacting you, analyze your offerings again to find flaws to correct. 

Thinking that no customer is turning up is a sign that all are satisfied is misleading and may take your business towards negative results. Thus, a check regularly is essential. 

More calls, more you loose.

Many companies trust that if more customers come up with complains, then the organization may lose money. However, increasing inbound call center services never tends to bring negative impacts to the business. 

Increasing inbound calls is an opportunity for your organization to turn prospects into business loyal partners. A survey even says that increasing inbound calls can even augment the organization’s revenue by 300%

Increasing calls can be regarding complains, to figure out something related to the business or to understand the organization’s offerings. Thus, it brings along a good opportunity to increase sales and no business should ever avoid it. 

Replacing lost customers is easy.

If your business has this laid-back attitude of replacing lost customers, the thought will not take you a long way. Businesses trust on this myth that gaining customer’s back is easy. Conversely, in this highly competitive market, there are numerous businesses ready to influence prospects, so if you lose your user’s trust, it is hard to get them back. 

A negative reputation in the market can cost high, which makes it hard to gain back the user’s trust. Influencing the customer’s back towards the business can help improve the services for the future, which is why it is essential to understand the significance of inbound calling and perform it seriously. 

Ignoring efficient customer service can hurt the business revenue, give your competitor advantage and can bring negative impacts to the business reputation. Thus, avoid relying on all myths and focus on efficient customer service through astounding inbound support. 


As business owners, you need to focus on and understand the idea of complaints of customers. Complains are a coincidental chance to modify and increase the user’s probability of buying the business product/service, thus keeping negative illusions in mind related to inbound support is of no use. Inbound calls can augment revenue, reputation, and can give a competitive advantage against customers. Thus, debunking certain myths and moving on positively has to be every business’s objective.  

Melissa Wyatt

Melissa is working as a content writer at Go4Customer. A technology enthusiast, she loves to pen well-researched articles on call center outsourcing, customer support and chat support services.

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